Group Bookings for Senior Citizens

We host regular visits for groups of older customers, e.g. social groups, tours, retirement villages, rest homes, etc. These visits are just like any other visit in that you're paying to look at the displays and use the interactive activities. Remember that we're open to the public, we may have other customers at the same time, and our staff may have to attend to them as well as your group.

Cost: Our normal charges apply—see the booking page for current prices. Sorry, we do not have group discounts because our prices are already as cheap as we can make them.

Times / Numbers: Bookings can be made for any time of day or night. Most groups comprise about 20-30 people; we can accommodate up to about 60. If you can't find a time on our booking form that suits you, please contact us to arrange a better time.

Food / Catering: We don't offer catering but there are cafés nearby. You're also welcome to bring your own food. We have a kitchen with a Zip for boiling water, a microwave oven, and tables and chairs for eating. Please let us know in advance if you require these facilities.

Directions & Parking: See our map. Cars and vans can park on the grass beside the main building. Buses can park on SH1 or Church St. Your bus driver may like to drive around the whole triangular block before choosing exactly where to park (it's a small block).

Health & Safety: Download our RAMS (PDF). Find more compliance information and documents here.

More Info...

  • There are two toilets in the main building. The female toilet doubles as the disabled toilet.
  • The building is accessible to wheelchairs.
  • Please let us know about any guests with special needs.