Haumea is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt. It is one of the fastest-rotating bodies in the Solar System, which results in its distinctive football shape.

Keck Telescope image of Haumea with moons Hi'iaka and Naumaka.
Credit: CalTech, Mike Brown et al.
Facts About Haumea:
- Located in the Kuiper belt.
- 4th largest dwarf planet in the Solar System, one-third the mass of Pluto.
- Haumea is a plutoid, a technical term used to describe dwarf planets beyond Neptune's orbit.
Classification: Dwarf Planet (orbiting Sun)
Names: 136108 Haumea
Discovered: 2004 by Brown et al.; Ortiz et al. (neither official)
Naming: Haumea is the matron goddess of the island of Hawaii, where the Mauna Kea Observatory is located
Rotation period: 3 hrs 54 mins 56 sec