The Moon
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite.

Credit: Gregory H. Revera
Facts About The Moon:
- Our Moon is the fifth largest moon in the Solar System.
- The Moon rotates on its axis in about the same length of time it takes to orbit the Earth. From Earth we can see about 60% of its surface.
- Gravity: 1/5 Earth
- It is hot during the day (107°C), cold at night (-153°C).
- The far side of the Moon looks different due to its lack of maria (pools of solidified lava).
- If you travelled to the Moon at the same speed as a car it would take more than five months to get there.
- If the Earth was the size of a basketball, the Moon would be the size of a tennis ball - 7.3 metres away.
- The flags planted on the Moon by Apollo astronauts will have been turned completely white by ultraviolet radiation.
Classification: Moon (orbiting Earth)
Names: Luna, Marama
Rotation period: 27.3 daysAtmosphere: None