Wolf 359
Wolf 359 is a red dwarf star located relatively close to Earth, 7.9 light years away. Although it is one of the nearest stars to our Solar System, it is too faint to see without a telescope.

Wolf 359 is the red dwarf just above centre
Facts About Wolf 359:
- One of the nearest star to our Solar System.
- Relatively young, less than a billion years old.
- One of the faintest and lowest-mass stars known.
- Can only be seen with a large telescope.
- Popular in fiction. Scene of a famous battle with the Borg in Star Trek TNG.
Classification: Star, red dwarf, M6.5 Ve
Constellation: LeoDistance: 7.36e+13 km (07 ly)
Magnitude: 13.5000 (app) 16.6500 (abs)
Surface Temperature: 2800 K
Surface Gravity: 5.5000 g