Flat Earth FAQ

A list of frequently-asked question about the flat Earth theory.
General Questions
- What is the Flat Earth Theory?
- Do people really believe the Earth is flat?
- Why do people believe the Earth is flat?
- When did most people stop believing the Earth is flat?
- Do any astronomers believe the Earth is flat?
- How do flat-earthers always have an answer for everything?
- What proof is there that the Earth is round?
- How can I prove the Earth is flat?
- Is it true that you're not allowed to visit Antarctica?
- Can you fly over Antarctica?
Physics of the flat Earth
- If the Earth is spinning, why can't we feel it?
- How do oceans work on a flat Earth?
- Why doesn't Earth's atmosphere get sucked into space?
- Why don't planes fly faster going west?
- How is perspective used in the flat-earth theory?
- What is atmospheric lensing?
- Is there an accurate map of the flat Earth?
- Where are stars located in the flat Earth model?
- Do human-made structures account for the Earth's curvature?
- How can rockets work in a vacuum?
- Do laser tests prove the Earth is flat?
- Why does the horizon rise to eye level?