Aegaeon is a small moon of the gas giant planet Saturn.

Facts About Aegaeon:
- Aegaeon is the smallest known moon of Saturn.
- it is the 8th moon in distance from Saturn.
- It has a very elongated shape.
- It orbits within Saturn's rings, in the bright segment of the G Ring. It is likely that material from Aegaeon is a source of material for the ring.
Classification: Moon (orbiting Saturn)
Names: Aegaeon, Saturn LIII
Discovered: 2009 by Carolyn Porco, Cassini Imaging Science Team
Diameter: 0.66 km
Semi-major axis: 167493.665 km
Orbital Period: 0.80812 Earth days
Eccentricity: 0.00042277
Albedo: 0.1500
Density: 0.5400 g/cm3
Adjective: Aegaeonian