Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second of the four gas giants. It lies between the orbits of Jupiter and Uranus.
Credit: NASA/JPL
Facts About Saturn:
- Saturn is 95 times the size of Earth.
- Due to its low density Saturn would float in water (if it didn't dissolve).
- Saturn's rings are made mostly of billions of chunks of ice, ranging from microscopic to several metres in size. They were probably formed from a disrupted moon. The rings are less than 1km thick.
- Replenished from different sources, eg comets, meteors, moons. Chunks range in size from pebble to room-size.
- Minor moons in rings create interesting effects.
- The rings change constantly, and will eventually disappear.
- Its biggest moon, Titan, is the only known moon to have an atmosphere and liquid on the surface (liquid methane).
- The North pole hexagon is larger than Earth.
- Saturn has such low density that it would float in water (if you could find a big enough body of water and keep the planet from dissolving).
- Saturn has been visited by Pioneer 11 (1979), Voyagers (1980 & 1981) and Cassini.
See also:
Classification: Planet (orbiting Sun)
Names: Saturn, Sol 6, Rongo
Rotation period: 10 hrs 14 mins (eq) 10 hrs 38 mins (high latitude)Atmosphere: 93% Hydrogen, 7% Helium