Phoebe is a moon of the gas giant Saturn. It is somewhat irregular in shape but not too far off being roughly spherical.

Phoebe imaged by Cassini in 2004
Facts About Phoebe:
- Phoebe was the first object in the Saturn system targeted by the Cassini spacecraft in 2004.
- It is thought that Phoebe was more spherical when it was young and hot, but has since been battered out of shape by collisions with other objects.
Classification: Moon (orbiting Saturn)
Names: Phoebe, Saturn IX
Naming: Named after the Greek Titaness Phoebe.Diameter: 213 km
Mass: 8.292e+18 kg
Axial Tilt: 152.1400 °
Orbital Period: 550.564 Earth days
Eccentricity: 0.15624150
Albedo: 0.0600
Density: 1.6380 g/cm3
Escape Velocity: 0.1000 km/s
Adjective: Phoebean
Developed by: 1899.0318