Dione is a moon orbiting the gas giant planet Saturn.
Facts About Dione:
Classification: Moon (orbiting Saturn)
Names: Dione, Saturn IV
Discovered: 1684 by Giovanni Cassini
Naming: Named after the Greek mythological Titaness Dione.
Magnitude: 10.4000 (app)
Diameter: 1122.8 km
Mass: 1.09 kg
Axial Tilt: 0.0000 °
Orbital Period: 2.7369
Eccentricity: 0.00220000
Albedo: 0.9980
Density: 1.4780 g/cm3
Surface Area: 3964776.51 km2
Escape Velocity: 0.5100 km/s
Adjective: Dionean